GETA Design, LLC is a full-service design firm specializing in custom, insightful designs for residential and light commercial projects. GETA Design, LLC was founded by Douglas Leahy in September 2004 based on providing clients with one-on-one interaction and working clients to meet their design needs, all of them.
From early childhood, Doug was spending more time designing birdhouses and forts rather than actually building. He has a God-given ability that cannot be taught – it is just something you have. His artistic skills show thru in his hand-drawn conceptual drawings and his watercolor paintings. Some have been framed in clients’ finished homes as works of art. GETA Design takes your thoughts, ideas and dreams and transforms them into tangible solutions thru beautiful designs and drawings.
Doug worked in the construction field on a rough framing crew where he learned the need for complete drawings and what actually can be built. This experience has proved invaluable while working with field crews and actually thinking thru a design project. Graduating from Lawrence Technological University in 1999 and receiving his Master in Architecture in 2001 with Cum Laude honors helped hone his natural abilities.

While working for two other architectural firms in Michigan – the principles of running a successful design firm were discovered. Taking the positive and learning from the negatives of these firms has driven GETA Design, LLC compete with large firms. In 2006, Doug had the honor to be nominated as a Rising Star for Detroit Home Magazine. We have landed multiple design awards in some heavily entered contests. The most sincere compliments we have received are referrals from past clients and unsolicited ‘thank you’ letters from clients after the completion of their project. GETA Design, LLC does not run ads, send out mailings – we understand the importance of exceeding people’s expectations – we grow by the referrals we receive.
The only thing you cannot afford to lose is your good name.
William Leahy
It’s in the doing that the idea comes.
Edmund Bacon